Shall be active member of AAPI for at least 5 years, shall have at least three years on the Governing Body, of which two year must have been on the Executive Committee or has mandatorily completed a committed term of 3 years consecutively as a Board of Trustee and at least one year experience must be serving as elected Treasurer or Secretary of the AAPI which should be within the last five years at the time of starting the office.

AAPI Bylaws Section 5.5F: Board of trustee is a commitment for three consecutive year term and only those members who have successfully completed or about to complete the three year term at the time assuming office, are entitled to run for executive committee positions.


Shall be active member of AAPI for at least 5 years, shall have served three years on the Governing Body, out of which one year should be as a President of local/State/Alumni of dues paying member association of the AAPI or as a Regional Director or has mandatorily completed a committed term of 3 years consecutively as a Board of Trustee.

AAPI Bylaws Section 5.5F: Board of trustee is a commitment for three consecutive year term and only those members who have successfully completed or about to complete the three year term at the time assuming office, are entitled to run for executive committee positions.


Shall be active member of AAPI for at least 5 years, shall have served two years on the Governing Body out of which one year should be as a President of local/State/Alumni of due paying member association of the AAPI or as a Regional Director or has mandatorily completed a committed term of 3 years consecutively as a Board of Trustee.

AAPI Bylaws Section 5.5F: Board of trustee is a commitment for three consecutive year term and only those members who have successfully completed or about to complete the three year term at the time assuming office, are entitled to run for executive committee positions.

II. BOARD OF TRUSTEES (3 positions)

Besides being active members of AAPI for at least 5 years, the candidates must have served for two years on the Governing Body.


Shall be active member of AAPI for at least 3 years, with at least one year experience as a Governing Body Member.
Regional Directors one from each of the following twelve regions comprising states

Region # 1 Pacific: AK, CA, HI, OR & WA
Region # 2 Mountain: AZ, CO, ID, MT, NV, NM, UT & WY
Region # 3 NW Central: IA, KS, MN, MO, NE, ND & SD
Region # 4 SW Central: AR, LA, OK & TX
Region # 5 NE Central-1: IL, IN & WI
Region # 6 NE Central-2: MI, OH
Region # 7 SE Central: AL, KY, MS & TN
Region # 8 New England: CT, DE, MA, ME, NH, RI & VT
Region # 9 Mid-Atlantic-1: NY
Region # 10 Mid-Atlantic-2: NJ & PA
Region # 11 South Atlantic: DC, MD, VA & WV
Region # 12 South: FL, GA, NC & SC

Candidates must have completed the requirements at the time of assuming the office.


Any current dues paying member of the AAPI can make nominations on behalf of a candidate to the Chair of the Nomination Committee. Nominations must be seconded by another member. Candidates shall include a written statement of acceptance and also to serve the office if elected, along with a signed disclosure form.

All the candidates are required to have valid unrestricted license to practice in USA.

A candidate may file nomination and contest for only one position in any given election. Members are prohibited from nominating more than one candidate for any given position.

Nomination committee will also evaluate candidate based on following criteria

  • Good standing in the community and the AAPI.
  • Commitment to the goals of the AAPI.
  • Willingness of the candidate to devote time and effort to the work of the AAPI.

A short summary of the service of each candidate to the AAPI and AAPI meetings attended in last 5 years should also be included as part of the application.


Vice President & each of the Board of Trustees
A $5,000 non-refundable nomination filing fee from each of the candidates, must accompany the filing papers before the deadline for the positions of: Vice-President and each of the candidates for the Board of Trustees.

Secretary, Treasurer
A $2,500 non-refundable nomination filing fee from each of the candidates, must accompany the filing papers before the deadline for the positions of Secretary & Treasurer.

Regional Director
A $1,000 non-refundable nomination filing fee from each of the candidates, must accompany the filing papers before the deadline for the position of Regional Directors.

Each Candidate will have to deposit $1,000.00 with his/her application, in addition to the Application Fee, for compliance with the Code of Conduct. In the event of a Member’s complaint that can be verified, or a demonstrated breach of the above code, the Candidate will forfeit the deposit else the deposit will be returned to the Candidate within two weeks of the Election.


Nominations must be received at the AAPI Office by 4:00 PM Central Standard Time on Monday, January 31, 2023 either by U.S. Mail or by fax along with the following:

  • A written letter of intent to serve if elected with summary of service to AAPI and snapshots of AAPI meetings attended in last 5 years.
  • Two letters – 1. Proposed by AAPI Member and 2. Seconded by another AAPI member
  • Attestation questionnaire
  • Authorization and Consent for Verification and Release of Information
  • Statement of Acceptance
  • Candidates agreement for binding arbitration of election disputes as approved by the Governing Body
  • AAPI Code of Conduct and Conflict of Interest as formatted modified from time to time by the Governing body
  • Nomination Fees & Code of Conduct Fees

It is recommended to send the nominations early so AAPI Office has ample time to check for completion
. Application received on the last date has higher chance of disqualification by nominating committee because of missing and unverifiable information in application.

According to AAPI Bylaws, the following are the deadlines.

Call for nominations on or beforeDecember 31, 2022
Submission of nominationsby January 31, 2023
Slate of candidates to the President byFebruary 7, 2023
Candidates may withdrawby February 15, 2023
Final Slate of Candidatesby February 15, 2023
Certification of voters listby February 15, 2023
Election officer to receive the certified listby February 15, 2023
Certified list to be sent to Candidatesby February 16, 2023
Candidates to approve the listby February 22, 2023
Ballots will be mailed/emailedby March 7, 2023
Ballots should reach the Election Agency (Second Friday of April)by April 14, 2023
Results of the elections will be communicated***by April 15, 2023
Request for recount must be madeby April 21, 2023
Recount will be heldby April 30, 2023
Final results to be announcedby April 30, 2023

*** If there is a request for recount by April 21st, the final result of the position for which the recount is requested will be announced on April 30 2023.

Voters must select three Board of Trustee candidates out of the total number of contestants for BOT election. The ballot will be valid only if three candidates are chosen. If one or two candidates are chosen, the Board of Trustees portion of the ballot will be disqualified. (Section 10.4.D)

Candidates are provided with campaign and election guidelines. These can be reviewed on AAPI Website at www.aapiusa.org.

It is the responsibility solely of the candidate to make sure that the nomination papers are received by the AAPI office in time. Any and all nomination papers received after 4:00PM Central Standard Time on Tuesday, January 31, 2023 will not be accepted.


Candidates submitting nominations to serve as an Officer or to serve on the Board of Trustees are required to submit proof of their service as a member of the Governing Body.

AAPI Bylaws Section 5.3.A: The Governing Body shall be composed of the Executive Committee, Members of the Board of Trustees, Chairs of all the Standing Committees, Chair of the Convention Committee as defined in Section 4.3 and the Presidents of all dues paid/paying member organizations.

AAPI Bylaws Section 10.4.K: If the spouse or parent or children of an Office bearer inclusive of Executive committee or Board of Trustee is running for any election, that particular office bearer shall mandatorily recuse himself/ herself from the nomination committee, election committee and any other decision making procedures during the Election period.

All nominations to be sent to:
Attn: Anupama Gotimukula, MD
Chair, Nominations Committee
AAPI Executive Office
600 Enterprise Drive, Ste. 108
Oak Brook, IL 60523
Off: (630) 990-2277
Fax: (630) 990-2281