Deadline for receiving nominations: March 31, 2023
If sent by surface mail post marked: March 31, 2023

General Guidelines
Nominee should be a physician of Indian origin.
Physician must hold/or have held an unrestricted license to practice in the USA. (Residents and Medical students are exempt)
The entire package, along with support letter and the updated curriculum Vitae must be submitted by the deadline.

Most Distinguished Service Award:
This award is given to an AAPI member who has rendered outstanding service to AAPI

Requirements for nomination:

  • A Letter of Nomination from a member of AAPI in good standing. This letter must reflect in detail the exceptional service the nominee has rendered to AAPI. A statement saying please refer to the CV is unacceptable. Self-nomination is acceptable.
  • Individual must be a member of AAPI (Patron or Annual) for at least 10 years.
  • Complete, updated curriculum vitae of the person must be submitted with the nomination.
  • Two letters of support (Other than nomination letter) from members of AAPI in good standing.

Most Distinguished Physician Award:
This award is given to a current or former physician member of AAPI whose work has had significant impact on science, innovations in patient care that has had wide spread impact or health related community service that has served humanity at large.

Requirements for nomination:

  • A Letter of Nomination from a member of AAPI in good standing. This letter must reflect in detail the distinguishing service the nominee has rendered in the field of health related research, Medical education, unparallel health related service to a population or outstanding work in a field of medicine.
  • The letter must elaborate on Impact of the individual’s work on science, the profession and humanity at large. In addition, the nomination should compare the candidate with other individuals with similar background. A statement saying please refer to the CV is unacceptable. This cannot be a self-nomination.
  • Complete curriculum vitae.
  • Two supporting letters elaborating on evidence of their exceptional work from individuals in high standing in the nominee’s field.

Most Distinguished YPS Award:
This award is given to a young physician (within 8 years of completing GME training, by June 30 of the award year) who has distinguished him/herself in their work place and has done outstanding work with organized medicine.

Requirements for nomination:

  • Nominee has been a member of AAPI for at least 2 years and is a current member.
  • A letter of nomination (Can be Self) from a current member of YPS section.
  • One letter from the institution (Hospital, Medical school department, Â peer from the practice group)
  • One letter from an organization to attest to the individuals work with organized medicine. Examples are AMA, state and county medical societies, Specialty organizations, non- profit organizations, AAPI YPS section current officer (Other than nomination letter), Alumni, regional and specialty organizations of AAPI. Letter can be from other health and social service related organizations and not limited to those mentioned above.

Most Distinguished MSRF Award:

This award is given to a medical student, resident or fellow (In that position till June 30 of the award year) who has distinguished him/herself in their work place and has done outstanding work with organized medicine.

Requirements for nomination:

  • Has been a member of AAPI for at least 2 years and is a current member.
  • A letter of nomination (Can be Self) from a current member of MSRF.
  • One letter from the institution where the individual is a student or trainee (Student dean or a special program director where the student is involved, for example a student run health clinic. For trainees (Residents, fellows) a letter from the residency or fellowship director or a hospital official if the trainee is an officer of the resident group. A letter from a research mentor or someone who can attest to the individual’s excellence will also suffice.
  • One letter from an organization to attest to the individuals work with organized medicine. Examples are AMA, state and county medical societies, AMSA, AMSA chapters in medical schools, Medical school and hospital student and house staff organizations, non- profit organizations, AAPI MSRF section current officer (other than nomination letter). Letter can be from other health and social service related organizations and not limited to those mentioned above.


All documents must be received in AAPI office via email, or surface mail post marked January 31, 2018. Documents arriving after the deadline will not be honored. Please send the packet via email to info@2023.aapiusa.org or at the address below.

AAPI Office
Attn: AAPI Awards 2023
600 Enterprise Drive Suite 108
Oak Brook, Illinois 60523

Chairman for AAPI Awards 2023
Radhu Agrawal, M.D.